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Greek Mythology 

Greek Mythology is the body of myths that contain many religious origin and cult, folktales and legends of heroes, deities and mythological creatures (Greek Mythology, n.d.).


​Before literacy, myths were passed on orally (Greek Mythology, 2009), which could allow the possibility of embellishment and personal biases (Cartwright, 2012). It is difficult to imagine that stories did not become mixed; creating myths with several diverse origins. 




The stories characters, themes and lessons of Greek mythology have inspired a great many artists and literature over thousand of years. Appearing in paintings, writing, poetry, plays, films and gives names to consumer products suck as Nike and Amazon (Greek Mythology, 2009).


Greek mythology was also used to explain the environment and the passing of times (Cartwright, 2012). The myths were used to explain where humans came from and where they go after death (Cartwright, 2012).


The interesting part of Greek Mythology is that all the characters (good and bad), deities and creatures that are depicted in the myths have qualities and lessons to teach from good behavior to bad behavior and the consequences of both.


They were also used for history of their ancestors, wars, and places explored (Cartwright, 2012). That does not mean they were completely believed (Cartwright, 2012); it was legends that held more historical belief (A.W.H. Adkins, 2019). Most legends were embellished like the myths, but some had historical parts; such like the labors of Heracles and the sack of Troy (A.W.H. Adkins, 2019).






There are twelve Titans that are the children of both Uranus and Gaea. With Cronus as the leader, he and his siblings over throw their father and began their reign. However, Cronus was as despotic and oppressive as his father.

The Olympians


They took part in a ten year war that over throw the Titans; and so their reign began. All considered as Olympian gods, yet two of them were not always granted the title. 


Mythical Creatures


There are many types of mythical creatures but can be simply split in five main groups. They were often made and sent by gods to perform tasks. 





A.W.H. Adkins, J. R. (2019, 07, 18). Greek Mythology. Retrieved from Encyclopaedia Britannica:


Cartwright, M. (2012, 07, 29). Greek Mythology. Retrieved from Ancient History Encyclopedia:


Greek Mythology. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia:


Greek Mythology. (2009, 12, 02). Retrieved from History:


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