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Mythical Creatures

The Greek myths contain a various number of mythical creatures with attributes, abilities and powers that are supernatural (Bestiary, n.d.). Created and often sent by gods to perform tasks from protection to terrorizing. Some were violent, task oriented and others were peaceful (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).



Creatures crafted out of metal and were self - operating machines or robots (Mythical Creatures, n.d.). Most were created by Hephaestus (God)- the divine blacksmith, and the Athenian craftsman Daidalos (Hero) (Automotones , n.d.). 


  • Caucasian Eagle: gigantic eagle described as an automaton made of bronze.

  • Hippoi Kabeirikoi (Horses of the Cabeiri): four horse-shaped fire-breathing automatons crafted out of bronze by Hephaestus.

  • Kuones Khryseos & Argyreos (Hounds of Alcinous): never-ageing immortal creatures one made of silver and the other gold.

  • Keledones: magical singing maidens crafted out of gold.

  • Khalkotauroi: fire-breathing bulls with bronze hooves and bronze mouth.

  • Talos: a giant creature-man made of bronze that patrolled the island of Crete (Automatons in Greek Mythology , n.d.).

  • Tripods of Olympus: twenty tripods with golden wheels and a mind of their own.
                                                                                                           (Mythical Creatures, n.d.)













The dragons from Greek mythology are different from other mythologies they were serpentine monsters (Mythical Creatures, n.d.). They were separated into four types: the serpent like dragons called Dracones, marine dwelling Cetea, fire-breathing Chimaera and the she-monster like Dracaena (Bestiary, n.d.).



Giant serpents that usually possess deadly venom or multiple heads. The different types of Dracones are as follows:


  • Colchian Dragon: never-sleeping dragon which guarded the Golden Fleece in Colchis (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Cychreides: a dragon which terrorized Salamis island (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Demeter’s Dracones: pair of winged dragons that pulled the chariot of the goddess Demeter (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Gigantomachian Dracon: was cast at Athena in the Giant War (Bestiary, n.d.)

  • Hesperian Dracon: hundred-headed dragon that guarded the golden apples of Hesperides (Bestiary, n.d.)

  • Hydra: nine headed water-dragon that guarded the Lerna springs (Bestiary, n.d.) and contained deadly venom (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Ismenian Dragon: a dragon which guarded the sacred spring of Ares near Thebes and slain by Cadmus (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).















  • Python: dragon sent by Gaea to guard the sacred shrine in Delphi and slain by Apollo (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Rhodian Dracones: Giant serpents and dragons that ravaged Rhodes island (Bestiary, n.d.)

  • Thespain Dracon: the dragon plagues Boeotian town of Thespaie (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Trojan Dracones: pair of dragons sent by the god Poseidon to destroy Laoccon and his sons (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Ethiopian Dracones: giant serpent inhabiting the land of Aethiopia (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Indian Draonces: found in the hills and mountains of India (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Phrygian Dracones: sixty-foot tall dragons and found in central Anatolia (Bestiar​




Sea monsters that usually featured in myths of a hero rescuing a sacrificial princess (Mythical Creatures, n.d.). The types of Cetea are as follows:


  • Ethiopian Cetus: sea monster sent by Poseideon to ravage Ethiopia (Mythical Creatures, n.d.)

  • Trojan Cetus: fearsome sea monster sent by Poseidon, after the king of Troy refused to pay him for the walls which the god had helped to build there (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Indian Cetea: believed to inhabit Indian Ocean (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Scolopendra: gargantuan sea-monster with hair coming from its nose, a flat crayfish-like tail and rows of webbed feet linking each flank (Bestiary, n.d.).















  • Campe: she-dragon with a beautiful face and upper body but had a monstrous viper tail (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Ceto: marine goddess with sea-dragon in place of legs (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Echidna Argia: ravaged the kingdom of Argos (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Poene: Apollo sent it to ravage the kingdom of Argos (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Scythian Dracaena: “that ruled the lands of Scythia,” (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Scylla: part nymph with sea-monster parts for legs (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Sybaris: haunted a mountain near Delphi (Bestiary, n.d.)

  • Maeonian Dracon (2): one ravaged and the other terrorized the kingdom of Lydia (Bestiary, n.d.)

  • Medea’s Dracones: two flying dragons born from the Titans blood (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Nemean Dracon: giant dragon or serpent that garded Zeus sacred groves at Nemea (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Ophiogenean Dragon: guarded Artemis in Mysia (Bestiary, n.d.)

  • Pitanian Dracon: dragon of Pitane in Aeolia and was turned to stone by the gods (Bestiary, n.d.)



a fire-breathing monster with parts of a lion, serpent and goat and had three heads (Bestiary, n.d.)




The upper body of a beautiful nymph and body of a Dracon or sea-monster for legs (Bestiary, n.d.). The types are as followed:


  • Echidna: half maiden and half serpent who was immortal and never aged (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).


Giants (Gigantes) are a class of extremely large men closely related to the gods (Bestiary, n.d.). The first giants were born from the split blood of Uranus  (Mythical Creatures, n.d.). The types are as follows:


  • Agrius: a man-eating Thracian giant who was half-man and half-bear.

  • Alcyoneus: Eldest of the Thracian giants (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Aloadae: twins who attempted to storm heaven and imprisoned Ares (Mythical Creatures, n.d.)

  • Alpos: a Sicilian giant who had many arms and a head covered with vipers (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Anax: Lydian Giant

  • Antaeus: a Libyan giant who challenged all to a wrestling match to death (Bestiary, n.d.). He collected the skulls of competitors to build a temple in honor of his father Poseidon (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Antiphates: king of man-eating giants (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Argos Panoptes (Argos): a hundred-eyed giant, not all his eyes slept at one time (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Aristaeus: a Thracian giant that was transformed into a dung beetle when fleeing the battel of the gods (Bestiary, n.d.).













  • Cyclopes (younger): “a tribe of one-eyed Cannibalistic giant who shepherded flocks of sheep on the island of Sicily” (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Damasen: Mysian giant that destroyed dragon ravaging the country (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Damysus: swiftest Thracian giant; he made war on the gods (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Echidnades: serpent-footed giant (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Elatreus: giant son of an elder Cyclopes (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Enceladus: one of the Thracian giants who was fighting against the Olympians (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Ephialtes: one of the twin giants that attempted to storm heaven (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Euryalus: a son of one of the elder cyclopes (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Eurymedon: lead his people to ruin and their king (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Gegenees: earth-born tribe of six-armed giants (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Geryon: three-bodied, four-winged giant who dwelt on the red island of Erytheia (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).












  • Leon: Thracian Giant that made war with the gods (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Mylinus: Cretan giant (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Oeolyca: Gigantic daughter of Briareus (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Olympus: Create giant (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Oreus: half man and bear man-eating Thracian giant (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Orion: Gigantic hunter and could walk on water (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Periboea: daughter of the giant king (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Polybotes: giant who fought Poseidon during the gigantomachy (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Polyphemus: cannibalistic Cyclops and blinded by Odysseus (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Porphyrion: mightiest of Thracian Giants (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Syceus: one of the Thracian Giants (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Tityos: giant sent by Hera to pursue Leto when the goddess was pregnant and attempt to violate her (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Trachius: gigantic son of an elder Cyclopes (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Typhoeus (Typhon): monstrous immortal storm-giant of enormous size, sent by Gaea to kill Zeus  (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Cyclopes (Elder): three -one-eyed giants who forged Zeus’ thunderbolt, Hades’, cap of invisibility and Poseidon’s storm-raising trident. Named: Arges, Brontes and Steropes (Mythical Creatures, n.d.)

  • Hecatoncheires: three-one-hundred-handed giant gods of violent storms and hurricanes. Named: Briareus or Aigaion, Cottus, and Gyges (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

  • Asterius: Lydian giant (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Azeus: Arcadian giant; fought in the War of the Titans (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Cacus: Latin fire-breathing giant (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Charbydis: daughter of Poseideon that was chained to the sea floor (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Chrysaor: a son of Poseidon and Medusa, sometimes said to be a giant while on other accounts is described as a winged boar (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).

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  • Gigantes Heca: hundred Thracian giants born of Gaea (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Halimedes: gigantic son of an elder Cyclopes (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Hoplodamus: warrior giant that aided Rhea when Cronus found out about their son (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Hyllus: Lydian Giant (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Hyperborean Giants: three giants that were the sons of Boreas and the chief priest of their tribe (Bestiary, n.d.).

  • Laestrygonians: tribe of man-eating giants, encountered by Odysseus and his men (Mythical Creatures, n.d.)

Mythical Animals

​ Posses’ fantastic supernatural abilities making them extraordinary (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).


  • Amphisbaena: an ant-eating serpent that had two heads, one at each end of the body.

  • Arion: an immortal horse that could speak human language.

  • Balius and Xanthus: the immortal horses of Achilles who drew his chariot in the Trojan war.













  • Pegasus: divine winged horse that is usually referred as white in color.

  • Phoenix: a golden bird that regenerate itself by bursting into flames and rising from the ashes

  • Stymphalian Birds: man-eating immortal birds with beaks of bronze and sharp metallic feathers which they could launch at their victims.  

  • Teumessian fox: gigantic fox destined never to be caught.

                                                                                                                      (Mythical Creatures, n.d.)

  • Calydonian Boar: a gigantic boar sent by Artemis to ravage Calydon.

  • Carcinus: a giant crab that aided the Hydra in Hades second labor.

  • Ceryneian Hind: enormous deer and sacred to Artemis.

  • Chrysomallus: flying, talking, golden-fleece ram.

  • Erymanthian Boar: a gigantic boar from one of Heracles labors.

  • Laelaps: dog destined never to fail catching its prey.

  • Mares of Diomedes: four man-eating horses that belonged to the giant Diomedes.

  • Nemean Lion: gigantic lion with impenetrable skin.

Mythical Monsters

Greek myths include many monstrous beings, some are resembled as hybrids others are the same species but are unnatural and with extra heads or limbs, there are also some undead monsters like ghosts and demons (Mythical Creatures, n.d.).


  • Centaurs: a race of half-man, half-horse beings; usually with the upper body of a man and lower body of a horse

  • Cerberus: a three-headed monstrous hound that guarded the gates of Hades.

  • Cercopes: monkey-like thieves who plagued the land of Lydia in western Anatolia.

  • Charybdis: a sea monster which swallowed large amounts of water, forming a deadly whirlpool.

  • Empusa: a vampire demoness with a single leg of bronze and a foot of a donkey; that feasted on young men's blood and flesh, after seducing them into sleep paralysis.

















  • Ichthyocentaurs: a pair of marine centaurs with upper bodies of men, lower front parts of horses and tails of fish.

  • Ipotane: a race of half-horse, half-humans usually with arms and body of humans with legs, bottom and a tail of a horse, sometimes also with the ears of a horse.

  • Kobalos(Kobaloi): species of mischievous, thieving gnome-dwarfs, fond of tricking or frightening mortals  (or little tricksy elves).

  • Lamia: once a beautiful queen of Lybia but became vampire child-eating demon.

  • Manticore: a monstrous creature with a head of a man, a body of a lion and a tail of a scorpion. Sometimes with the wings of a bat.














  • Sileni: differentiated from satyrs; having the attributes of a horse rather than a goat.

  • Sirens: dangerous winged bird-women whose irresistible enchanted songs lured sailors to their deaths.

  • Sphinx: a monstrous creature with the body of a lion, wings of an eagle and head of a woman.

  • Taraxippi: ghostly apparitions that frightened horses on race-courses of Olympia, Isthmos and Nemea.

  • Telchines: skilled metalworkers in brass and iron, with heads of a dog and flippers of a seal instead of hands.       

                                                                                                             (Mythical Creatures, n.d.)           

  • Gorgons: three cursed sisters with hair full of venomous serpents.

  • Graeae: three old women with one tooth and one eye which they had to share among them. Named: Deino, Enyo, and Pemphredo.

  • Harpies: winged creatures with the bodies of birds and the heads and torsos of women.

  • Hippalectryon: a creature with the front body of a horse and rear of a rooster

  • Hippocamp: a seahorse like creature with a body of a horse and a tail of a fish.

  • Hydra: a many-headed, ancient serpent-like beast with poisonous breath and blood so virulent that even its tracks were deadly.

  • Minotaur: a monster with a head of a bull and a body of a man.

  • Mormo: a vampire spirit creature who bit bad children.

  • Nessus: the centaur who became a ferryman at the river Euenos.

  • Ophiotaurus: a cow-serpentine monster, composed of parts of a bull and a serpent.

  • Orthrus: a two-headed, serpent-tailed dog that was a brother of Cerberus  

  • Panes: a tribe of spirit-like creatures with heads and torsos of men, legs and tails of goats, goatish faces and goat-horns

  • Satyrs: had human upper bodies with the legs and tails and ears of a goat and pug-noses.

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Automatons in Greek Mythology . (n.d.). Retrieved from Greek Legends and Myths:

Automotones . (n.d.). Retrieved from Theoi:

Bestiary. (n.d.). Retrieved from Theoi:

Mythical Creatures. (n.d.). Retrieved from Greek Gods:


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