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  • Coeus

  • Crius 

  • Cronus

  • Hyperion

  • Iapetus

  • Mnemosyne

  • Oceanus

  • Phoebe

  • Themis

  • Theia

  • Tethys

The Titans “were immortal giants of incredible strength and knowledge of old religion rituals and magic” (The Titans, n.d.). The first generation consisted of twelve; the children of Uranus and Gaea, and they ruled the Golden Age (The Titans, n.d.).


First Generation

  • Cronus – God of time

  • Coeus – God of intelligence

  • Crius – God of heavenly constellations

  • Hyperion – God/Lord of light or sunlight 

  • Iapetus – God of mortal life span or death

  • Mnemosyne – Goddess of memory

  • Oceanus – God of the river Okeanos or lord of the ocean

  • Phoebe – Goddess of prophetic radiance

  • Rhea – Goddess of fertility and motherhood

  • Tethys – Goddess of all freshwater on earth

  • Theia – Goddess of shining

  • Themis – Goddess of divine law, order and costumes’ or Justice and order

                                                                                        (The Titans, n.d.)


The twelve titans were locked up by their father (Uranus) in the underworld – Tartarus (Britannica, n.d.). Under the leadership of Cronus and the instigation of Gaea, the overthrow Uranus (The Titans, n.d.).


It is said that Gaea encouraged them to seek revenge and their freedom and helped by carving a sickle, different versions say that Cronus acted alone, while others say he received help from his brothers (Geller, 2017).


The myths say that Cronus attacked his father and castrated him and cut his body into pieces throwing the body parts into the ocean (Geller, 2017). Uranus and Gaea prophesied the fall of Cronus by his son (Geller, 2017). Thus, with his death, the reign of the Titans began.


Through their reign, they dwelled on Mount Othrys, consorted with each other, while other siblings consorted with the sons and daughters, producing the second generation of Titans (The Titans, n.d.).




Second Generation
  • Hyperion’s & Theia Children: Eos, Helios, and Selene

  • Coeus & Phoebe children: Leto and Asteria

  • Iapetus & Clymene Children: Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius

  • Oceanus & Tethys Children: Potamoi and the Oceanides

  • Crius & consort Eurybia Children: Astraeus , Pallas, and Perses

  • Cronus & Rhea Children: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus

  • Themis Children: Horae and the Fates

                                                                             (Titans Family Tree, n.d.)































Britannica, T. E. (n.d.). Titan. Retrieved from Encyclopedia Britannica:


Geller, P. (2017, 03, 22). Uranus. Retrieved from Mythology:


The Titans. (n.d.). Retrieved from Greek Gods:


Titans Family Tree. (n.d.). Retrieved from Tales Beyond Belief:


Uranus. (n.d.). Retrieved from Greek Mythology:

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